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don't forget the connections btw gunsmoke and bionic commando! they're both made made by capcom, as commando was, and the gameplay is basically exactly the same in all three (the overhead battle sections in bionic commando, not the sidescrolling ones). you should dig up some info on the capcom team in the late 80s that developed all these games...

moncler uomo

I think Diamond has a good point. Being an optimist, I would like to think that consistently participating in neurobic activities would be a consistent vehicle in strengthening the brain, but I also believe that change is the only constance. It would seem to me that the body would adjust to the neurobic activities that involve using one’s inferior hand to do things. Also, there’s only so many ways someone could take to get to work. It does, however, seem likely that coming up with new neurobic activities would be a neurobic activity in itself! Hmmmm…..

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