On a trip through San Francisco a couple years ago some friends and I stopped over at another friend's house for some refreshments and such. Mike, the resident there, insisted on showing us this video he had recently aquired, some completely random thing from 1986. Here's the pitch: It's 1986, and these guys decided to go basically film the pre-partying going on in the parking lot of Capital Center in Largo, Maryland. What follows is one of the most ridiculous human spectacles I have ever seen. From the moment they pull in, people are cheering, holding up signs, and so on, and you think this is going to be funny. The camera approaches one of the knots of people populating the lot. The first shot of one of these knots shows a girl in a leopard leotard, 6-inch long earrings, and what appears to be an afro wig, a guy with no shirt wearing acid washed jeans, a chick with jewelled aviator sunglasses, and some scruffy dude whose hair looks like a bike helmet. <--- The leotard girl raises her hand in the rock on/devil sign gesture and they move on. Next there are more shirtless, helmetted, sunburnt, high life drinking, camaro driving hard rockers... Then they start to talk. I believe you literally cannot imagine how incredibly country these fools are until you see and hear them for yourself. One of these winners introduces himself: "I'm David Coby (?), 20 years old... I'm ready to rock." His girlfriend: "Dawn, 13." Then they make out, only to interrupt themselves to yell "PRIEST!"
That guy is probably the most mild of the bunch. The first time we watched it we were too stunned to believe what we were seeing, so we had to watch it again, rewinding it for every jaw-drop-worthy comment or inflection. "Priest is the best, man.. and who comes...neHEXT?" We watched that guy ---> say neHEXT maybe 10 times, no exaggeration. Then there is the guy so far gone he can't even focus his eyes. I can't even describe this man to you, it is just too cosmically impossible for someone to be that country. You'll know him when you see him and if you don't , here's a hint: he plays a girl like a guitar after staring into space for like a minute. It blows my mind that this stuff is totally real, and at the same time I know that nobody could ever write anything this brilliant, or get anyone to mortify himself like some of these guys do. Please please watch it and tell your friends, this is brilliant comedy.
You can watch the whole thing, and other stuff I've never seen (including another "parking lot" type movie) at the creator's site. There is also an official HMPL site at the expected address where you can buy copies of it on VHS if you like that kind of thing.
Cool. I've been trying to DL that for ages. I should probably just throw down and order it.
Check out Oakland Raiders Parking Lot for the next generation -- it just came out...
Posted by: Bro | 2005.02.14 at 04:51 PM
Ha! Glorious! My favorite was the zebra suit guy : p
Posted by: Diego | 2005.04.12 at 03:22 PM